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Supply Chemical & Petrochemical

Supply Chemical & Petrochemical is one of Aljodi services where we import various kind of chemical products that is not available in IRAQ. In addition, we export a different kind of chemical products to over than 20 country around the world.The production process in chemical and petrochemical plants is continuous. To make products derived from crude oil – e.g. plastics, soaps, fertilizers and paints – other raw materials need to be sourced and their deliveries timed to ensure ongoing availability for manufacturing. Once produced, finished goods need to be removed continuously. Yard operations are complex and require highly specialized automation systems to move raw materials onto the site, and finished goods onto outbound transport.

The complexity of petrochemical supply chain management is rooted in the overarching requirement to ensure continued operation of the plants and removal of finished goods. This makes it essential to integrate and synchronize processes, from procurement and delivery timings of raw materials, through multiple product manufacturing, to the removal and delivery of final products. Supply and demand dynamics mean that both raw materials and finished products need to be sourced and transported at exactly the right time.

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